
Creating valuable and innovative products

4+ years product and business development experience in the field of digital innovation in finance and energy; software, and websites combined with blockchain. From research and development to leading a team of 3 members internationally. Award winner of 2 entrepreneurship contests worth CHF 120,000, by a German innovation agency and the Stellar Development Foundation from San Francisco.

See previous developed applications:

GdOsolar, Intermediary between renewable energy producers in Spain and clean energy consumers. We ensure that our clients can demonstrate the renewable origin of their electricity. The MVP trading platform has attracted the interest of more than 200 MW of renewable energy producers.

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BaselDAO.app, a decentralized investment fund led by its participants to invest in art. Investors own tokens, get voting rights and choose which artworks will be part of the fund's collection. Due to market conditions the product development was brought to a halt. Evolution from Kunst21 for scalability purposes.

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Kunst21 GmbH, based in Germany (HRB: 42221). A crowdinvesting platform concept, where you choose in which specific art pieces you will be investing. See BaselDAO, the next iteration of the product.

Platforms built on Distributed Ledger Technologies principals, and following the Swiss DLT Act as reference.

"With the DLT trading facility, no central securities depository is needed, which makes execution much more efficient, faster, and less risky in terms of counterparty risk. At the same time, trading providers can offer additional services, such as custody, clearing, and settlement.

Hence, the Swiss DLT regulation in force since August 2021 has significantly lowered the threshold for incumbent banks and insurance companies to extend their offering toward crypto assets and move into new business models around securities issuance and the trading of digital assets. At the same time, DLT players are likely to challenge established services, such as trading and custody, traditionally provided by conventional banks and asset managers." Book: Swiss Finance. Banking, Finance, and Digitalization 2023

If you want to collaborate, invest in a project or have questions, send me an email at contact@jfbranch.com.

LinkedIn: John Felipe Branch